Indy Speed Women’s Hockey team originally asked me to help make a logo for their “Need for Speed” tournament in 2019. After joining the team, I found out they planned to use the logo permanently for all applications… and they forgot I was the one to make it.


I forgave them, and decided to offer my services as an “in house” graphic designer (Normally in exchange for beer...) I would help tag team some social media posts for their Instagram and Facebook.

Our jerseys were well received, but we didn’t have a white set. As the Indy Speed, we were known for our… drinking habits. We earned the nickname '“Honey Badgers” (see 2011 viral video, “The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall)

With rounds of edits, the Honey Badger alt jerseys were born

First Passes at the design

Looking Good.

Of course, there needed to be merchandise, spin offs, and general shenanigans

Editing us all into the same team photo had some surprises… Most heads and bodies were pulled off of Facebook.

Never a dull moment, thanks Indy Speed for giving me plenty to do!


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